Cineplex Odeon (Canada). They host Cineplex Family Favorites at 11:00am on Saturdays. This is available in select theatres only but is quite a good deal with a $2.50 admission tag. With them, you don't get to pick the movie and my main concern with this is that the movies will run well into naptime (12:30 - 2:30ish) and that could make the babies cranky. More information and current listings are available on their website
Empire Theatres (Canada)
Their program is called the Empire Reel Babies and to quote the website,
"Twice a month, you can see a new release 'grown-up' movie in a baby-friendly environment. We keep the lights on dim, and lower the volume so you can watch the film while caring for your little one. Each Reel Babies auditorium is equipped with a change table, bottle warmer, play mat, exersaucer and baby swing so you can attend to your baby without missing that crucial kiss, diss, or explosion"
In Calgary, the tickets are $10 and movie times are Wednesday afternoon. Hard to pull off except I'm on vacation
AMC Theatres (USA)
AMC theatres have their Bring Your Baby Matinee in select theatres on the first Tuesday of every month. According to the website; brighter lights, lower volume, stroller parking and breastfeeding is accepted.
As an aside, AMC also offers a Sensory Friendly Films event for families affected by Autism
Camera Cinemas (USA)
Their Diaper Days and Date Nights program sounds like good fun for $7.50. They have daytime screenings on first and third Wednesdays of the month as well as evening screenings 2 Tuesdays every month. I do like the time flexibility they offer but unfortunately the only have 5 locations scattered around California
Camera Cinemas is just one of the many smaller theatres in the US offering baby-friendly movies. To find one in your area, google "mommy matinee" + the name of your city.
For us, I would love to take the girls to the movies at least once for the experience of it but I don't think there's a suitable opportunity available that can accomodate our current schedule. Oh well, we'll stick to reruns of the Cat in The Hat for now.
Thank you for reading; this post was written with much love by

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