- Basket: The basket is so hard to access and limited in what it can hold that it's almost useless. On day trips to places like the zoo, I do envy those moms with huge stroller baskets. To combat this problem, the Mommy Hook
has come in very useful
- Wheel: One of the front well occasionally gets stuck in that straight mode but I think a little grease or some kind of maintenance is all that's needed
- Back Support: The stroller has a soft back support and seems to make the girls slouch. The company does sell firmer back support pads for $20 each. I found one to buy in store but it didn't fit my stroller. Not happy about this at all and buying the back support from their US site and shipping to Canada and hoping it fits is not an attractive proposition
- Costly and hard to find accessories: The stroller comes plain. Things like belly bar and cup holders have to be purchased separately for a pretty penny
- Full recline seats: A really useful feature when the girls were infants with no neck support. It didn't feel too comfortable though so if I had to do it again I'll get two of those Infant Snuzzler
thingies to cushion the girls.
- Trimness: I'm yet to meet a doorway I can't fit this stroller through
- Flat and easy fold: The unique fold of this stroller means I can fit other things into my trunk alongside the stroller. (It also means that my car is an awesome little thing)
- Generous Canopy: That went toe to toe with the snow in St John's Newfoundland and the sun in San Antonio and won both events
- Maneuverability: The Baby Jogger City Mini Double's number one asset is that it is soooo easy to maneuver regardless of how big the kids are. My daily commute involves a 30 minute walk, 12 doorways and the occasional old elevator that will snap your limbs off if you don't move fast enough. My stroller has been an asset in making these adventures just a little easier.
As in love as I sound in this post, I wasn't paid to write it. Just have to share what has been one of the better buys of my twin parenthood. I leave you with a pic of the stroller protecting the kids for what was a very smouldering San Antonio sun.
Thank you for reading; this post was written with much love by