I remember when our first tooth came in and the doctor's visit that followed. I asked the doctor about ways to help my babies through the teething period and one of the things he recommended was teething rings that were not liquid-filled. I don't know why he said they should be liquid free, but I liked the idea.
And thus started the search for a teething ring that did not have a liquid filling. Four months later, I finally found the teethers - in a grocery store no less (talk about thinking outside the box)

It was the NUK (Gerber) teether
and the girls love 'em. They are more loved than sophie the giraffe. More loved than nibbling on a paci. More loved than chewing the iphone charger. In fact the teethers have become their number two choice for the nibbles. Number one? My toes. (Don't ask please)
Linking up with Kristen of we are that family
I, Have no material connection with the products or services mentioned
Have affiliate links in the post but my opinions are my own and not paid
Have received a free sample for review but my opinions are still my own
Have been compensated by a company for this post but my opinions are still my own