Easy Toddler Meal Ideas For One Year Olds

12 December 2011

Y'all I have toddlers in the house and feeding my one year olds daily requires some thinking outside the baby food jar. My twins are fully on table foods now and here's my current menu plan. I already disclosed my less than stellar crafty-homeliness, so all these meals are easy and fast

Cereal bars 
Fruit bars
Cereal mixed into yoghurt - Spoon fed by mommy. This is a weekend meal

Lunch & Dinner (Meals are interchangeable)
First of all, there are some foods that should always be in the pantry or fridge to facilitate easy toddler feeding:

Cheese in slices, shredded or sticks
Chicken in ready to eat form. I've had roasted chicken and this chicken breast pack from Costco that's really tasty
Ready to eat carb. That's either white rice or boiled pasta. This can easily be leftovers from the night before

On to the meals. All require less than 15 minutes of prep time. All received with a happy yum. All in a form that the babies can feed themselves
  1. Chicken Stir Fry - Fancy name for steaming a veggie stir fry pack and serving with bits of chicken. The kids also like it with some teriyaki sauce mixed in, hence the name.
  2. Steam veggies - The stir fry pack can be used or a pack of peas and broccolli steamed with diced carrots. Can be served with either chicken or cheese melted on top
  3. Baked beans - with or without rice (if served with rice, spoon feeding the babies is a better idea)
  4. Pasta with spaghetti sauce with or without cheese
  5. Adult cereal dissolved in a little milk and served with yoghurt (major yum)
For any of the meals that do not have a vegetable component, I serve fruits - quatered grapes, pieces of orange or banana
Pasta, Peas & Chicken with parmesan cheese and spaghetti sauce

And that's our menu plan for now. It's not fancy but it works for us.

Linked up with OrgJunkie's Menu Planning Monday

I, Have no material connection with the products or services mentioned
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Have been compensated by a company for this post but my opinions are still my own

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