The lowly sharpie! I never thought you would come to mean so much to me, but now you do. I have you in all the important nooks and crannies because what's a twin mama without her sharpie
- Label the nose sucker bulbs so we don't get any cross-contamination
- Label the medicine bottles
- Put last use date on open boxes of cereal (they need to be consumed within 30 days)
- Label daycare bowls when the sticker washes out
- Plan weekly breakfast menu - we still on first foods so I do plan ahead which one gets tried when.
- Label toothbrushes (we don't have teeth, but that's really just a technicality. We have toothbrushes and are not afraid to use 'em)
Honestly Mr and Mrs Sharpie, I think our relationship is permanent and should you choose to dry out with time, I have a replacement plan in place
This post was submitted to works for me Wednesday